When photography business has fierce competition at your location, it is important to consider different ideas which will trigger realtors to choose you among others. As a photographer, you must be flexible and adopt different strategies time to time for sustaining in today’s competition. Henceforth, in this article, we will touch upon 5 important strategies, that will guide you in attracting various realtors and earn contracts from them.
Organize a Small Meeting with the Realtor
Invite and organize a lunch/dinner for the realtor. Showcase your previous photography works done. Ask their opinion about the images and the ways they want their real estate images to be captured. Thereafter, when it comes for acquiring contracts and price negotiations, convincing and dealing skills play an important role as a photographer. Henceforth, before inviting a realtor, know what to speak and how to speak.
Post-Processing and Social Media
Social media is one of the ways to reach realtors and also the platform to showcase your work to them. But, it cannot be just showcasing the photographs. The photos should stimulate and attract realtors in such a way that they should reach you for further negotiations with prices. Henceforth, post-processing plays a remarkable influence to trigger realtors, by producing high-quality photographs of the real estate.
If you are always busy in your daily photography routine, photo editing service providers can assist you in retouching the real estate images and ensure perspective of the images are accurate. Some of the dimension photo editors work on are; color corrections, exposure adjustment, object removal, sky replacement, HDR blending corrections, perspective corrections and many more.
Look at before and after post-processing images below.
The above image is before post-processing.
And, this image is after post-processing.
Get Close, Dial, and then take a Personal Appointment
When you’re active on social media, you get to connect with realtors from various nearby places. Reach them initially through messaging and then proceed with either dialing or taking an appointment to their office. Always, taking an appointment is better than dialing, until and unless the location is too far away. ‘A good photographer should also be a good marketer.’ Also when you communicate with busier people like realtors, you must be specific to the point. Show your photography works at quick time-intervals. Also, provide offers and discounts based on the current circumstances.
Email Marketing
Get emails of realtors from various sources. Look for clients whose images are not up to your standards. Then, make the listings of their few photos and tell them this and this photo could have been captured better. Make it feel that your email is real and personal, unlike a junk mail. Henceforth, use realtor’s name to realize that you’re sending exactly to them. These email marketing best practices help you to get closer to the realtors. If the realtor does not respond, try one more time with different content strategy. If realtor responds in a confused way or half-interested, then offer them a trial shoot. But, do not directly initiate this strategy. If the realtor is not interested at all, then never do it. Only implement when you realize there is a chance of getting the client if the photo shoot is done.
Create an Effective Photography Website based on your Niche
The website creates an identity, and it also defines in what area you are specialized at. Hence, drive high-traffic to your website through various social media promotions, and also keep updating your content with the photos which you have worked on a regular basis. Promote your photography with exciting offers and discounts on your website and various social media channels.
Moreover, to conclude, attracting realtors should be initiated by taking an appointment on the time in which they are free enough to speak. Then, it would come with your photography skills and abilities. If your photographs are displaying good details with the right exposure of a real estate then, it is certain that the realtor would make an action to move on with the discussion about the pricing. Further, consider your photography abilities, competitor’s pricing, and also your experience while pricing. Also, negotiating and convincing skill plays an important role in pricing. You can also offer discounts on your packages if given contract for a year or so.